Why’s Moscato Cheap? Sipping on a Budget

Moscato Cheap Wine

Understanding Moscato Wine Affordability

Is Moscato cheap? Yes – most are under $10 USD. Moscato is cheap, but that has nothing to do with its overall quality. Abundant yields and straightforward winemaking help keep Moscato affordable.

Here’s what you need to know about the world of cheap Moscato wine.

Helpful Tip: Here’s everything you need to know about Muscat wine.

Is Moscato Considered Cheap Wine?

Moscato, often found on the shelves at an enticing price point, raises the question: Is it truly a gem among budget-friendly wines? Or is it just cheap wine? The low price per bottle can give the average wine drinker the impression that Moscato’s always considered a cheap wine. For the most part, this is correct.

Why Is Moscato Cheap Wine?

Embarking on a journey into the vineyards and wineries, the economics behind Moscato’s affordability has more to do with the grape and winemaking process itself, and less to do with quality.

Three key factors contribute to Moscato’s budget-friendly appeal:

  1. Abundant Grape Yield: Moscato vines are known for their prolific grape production. With a high yield per vine, the abundance of grapes helps keep production costs lower compared to varietals with lower yields, contributing to Moscato’s economical pricing.
  2. Efficient Production Processes: Moscato is often crafted using efficient production methods that streamline the winemaking process. These practices reduce labor and resource costs, allowing winemakers to offer a quality product at a more accessible price point.
  3. Quick Maturation: Moscato is generally ready for consumption earlier than some other wine varieties. Its quick maturation process accelerates the time from grape to bottle, minimizing storage and aging costs. This efficiency plays a role in making Moscato a cost-effective option for wine enthusiasts.

Nerdy Wine Post: Here’s how that bottle of wine gets priced the way it does.

Affordable, Delicious Moscato Brands Worth Exploring

Here’s a list of Moscato producers known for producing higher-quality Moscato wines within the $10-$15 USD range:

  1. St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery (California, USA)
  2. Villa Lanata (Piedmont, Italy)
  3. Innocent Bystander (Victoria, Australia)
  4. Martini & Rossi (Piedmont, Italy)
  5. La Spinetta (Piedmont, Italy)
  6. Bartenura (Veneto, Italy)

Availability of any of these Moscatos will vary, so check with your local wine shop. Most wine shops will carry a $10-$15 Moscato, which can be a revelation moving up from the $5-$8 Moscatos.

The Characteristics of Moscato

Is Moscato a Beginners Wine?

Moscato is a great beginner’s wine because it’s sweet, fruity, and low in alcohol. Here’s what that means:

  1. Palate-Friendly Sweetness: Moscato is renowned for its naturally sweet and approachable flavor profile. The sweetness level, often appreciated by those new to wine, provides a gentle introduction to the world of wine without overwhelming the palate. This characteristic makes Moscato an inviting choice for individuals exploring wine for the first time.
  2. Fruity and Floral Notes: Moscato is celebrated for its vibrant and aromatic characteristics, often featuring notes of peach, orange blossom, and other fruity elements. These appealing flavors contribute to a sensory experience that is both enjoyable and easy for beginners to appreciate, adding to the overall accessibility of Moscato as a starting point in wine exploration.
  3. Lower Alcohol Content: Moscato typically has a lower alcohol content (5%-8% ABV) compared to some other wine varieties. This lower alcohol level contributes to a milder and smoother taste, reducing the intensity of the wine and making it more palatable for individuals who may be unaccustomed to alcohol.

Fun Wine Fact: Alcohol is bitter. High alcohol wines can come off as bitter and burning that many new wine drinkers find unpleasant. This is why Moscato’s such an amazing wine for beginners! Here’s a post on what you can do to make your other wines (not Moscato) taste less bitter.

How Do You Drink Moscato?

Drink your Moscato wines chilled directly from the fridge. Check out this full post on chilling Moscato wine.

Moscato Cocktails on a Budget

Moscato cheap wine - cheap cocktail

Thanks to its affordability, Moscato wines are excellent for cocktails. Here are two to get you started: Moscato Berry Spritzer and Moscato Peach Sangria.

Moscato Cocktails

Moscato Berry Spritzer


1 cup Moscato wine
1/2 cup club soda
Fresh mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
Ice cubes
Mint leaves for garnish


  1. In a glass, combine Moscato wine and club soda over ice.
  2. Stir gently to mix the liquids.
  3. Add a handful of fresh mixed berries to the glass.
  4. Garnish with mint leaves for a burst of freshness.
  5. Give it a final gentle stir and enjoy your refreshing Moscato Berry Spritzer.

Moscato Peach Sangria


1 bottle Moscato wine
1/2 cup peach schnapps
1 cup peach slices (fresh or frozen)
1 orange, thinly sliced
1 cup white grape juice
2 tablespoons honey
Ice cubes


  1. In a large pitcher, combine Moscato wine and peach schnapps.
  2. Add peach slices and orange slices to the pitcher.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix white grape juice and honey until well combined.
  4. Pour the grape juice mixture into the pitcher with the wine and fruit.
  5. Stir gently to combine all ingredients.
  6. Refrigerate for at least two hours to allow the flavors to meld.
  7. Serve over ice and enjoy the sweet and fruity goodness of Moscato Peach Sangria.

Final Thoughts: Cheap Moscato Wine

Moscato wines are inexpensive, not cheap. Thanks to abundant yields in the vineyard and Moscato’s fresh winemaking style, Moscatos are affordable to make and affordable to buy. Lucky for all of us!

Thirsty for More?

Here’s a full rundown of Moscato wine price that gets into more details.

Check out this post on other sweet white wines that you should definitely be drinking if you love sweet Moscato.

Here’s a fun post on what cheeses pair well with Moscato wine. Perfect for your next game night!

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