How to Serve Moscato Wine: Quick Guide

How to Serve Moscato infographic

Are You Supposed to Chill Moscato?

Yes, you are supposed to chill Moscato. Moscato is a great wine to serve straight out of the refrigerator at around 40-47°F (7°C). Chilling Moscato will help balance out the wine’s natural sweetness, make it seem fresher, and also help any CO2 or fizziness stay dissolved in the wine for you to enjoy.

Helpful Tip: Most refrigerators are around 40°F (4°), so you can let your Moscato warm up for 5 minutes bit if it seems closed.

Do You Put Moscato in the Fridge?

do you put moscato in the fridge - refridgerator

Yes, put your Moscato in the fridge for several hours before enjoying. You can also store your Moscato wine in the fridge until you’re ready to enjoy it if it’s under screwcap (most Moscato wines use screwcaps).

If your Moscato has a cork (unlikely), keep it in a cool dark place (not the fridge) until you’re ready to enjoy it, then stick it in the fridge to chill before drinking.

Helpful Wine Tip: Refrigerators remove moisture which will cause cork shrinkage for wines that use natural cork. It’s not a good idea to store wines with natural corks in your fridge long-term. Wine fridges are designed to maintain temperature and humidity to prevent this very problem. Who knew?

What Temperature Should Moscato Be Kept At?

Moscato, like other wines, is best stored in a cool, dark place around 55°(12°C). Chill the wine down to around 47°F before serving.

Helpful Moscato Buying Tip: Moscato wines aren’t made for long aging. They are best enjoyed as soon as you purchase them. Of course, you can have a few bottles on hand to drink, but you really don’t want to be holding onto Moscato wines for more than about 1 year. These are fruity, aromatic wines. Those aromas fade with time.

How Do You Chill Moscato Quickly?

You can chill your Moscato quickly by submerging it in a bath of ice cubes and water. Rotate the bottle so that the entire surface area of the bottle gets covered. You can also wrap your bottle in a damp towel or paper towel and stick it in your freezer for 20 minutes. Don’t forget it’s there, though! It’ll explode (ask me how I know).

Pssst…. Did you forget to chill your Moscato? Try serving it over ice as a fun alternative.

Other Moscato Styles

How Do You Chill Pink Moscato?

Chill pink Moscato in your refrigerator to around 47°F (7°C). Chilling your pink Moscato will help balance the wine’s natural sweetness, make it seem fresher, and also help any CO2 or fizziness stay dissolved in the wine for you to enjoy.

Do You Chill Cherry Moscato?

Yes, you will chill cherry Moscato in your refrigerator to around 47°F (7°C). Chilling your cherry Moscato will help balance the wine’s natural sweetness, make it seem fresher, and also help any CO2 or fizziness stay dissolved in the wine for you to enjoy.

Do You Refrigerate Barefoot Pink Moscato?

Chill pink Barefoot Pink Moscato in your refrigerator to around 47°F (7°C). Chilling your Barefoot pink Moscato will help balance the wine’s natural sweetness, make it seem fresher, and also help any CO2 or fizziness stay dissolved in the wine for you to enjoy.

Should Peach Moscato Be Chilled?

Yes, you will want to chill your peach Moscato in your fridge before serving.

Thirsty for More?

Love Moscato? Check out this complete guide to Moscato and Cheese Pairing.

Did you know that Moscato is a style of wine (not an actual grape), here’s a slightly nerdy post on everything you need to know about Muscat.

Do you enjoy sweet white wines? There are so many out there. Go explore other sweet white wines here.

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