30-Second Tasting Tip: Can You Smell Tannin in Wine?

Can You Smell Tannin in Wine? No

Man smelling red wine - can you smell tannin in wine

Tannin in wine is a tactile sensation, something you actually feel in your mouth. You can’t smell tannin. However, some aromas can give you clues that there may be tannin in your wine:

  • Smoke
  • Vanilla
  • Mocha
  • Coffee
  • Baking spice
  • Chocolate
  • Coconut
  • Green bell pepper
  • Herbs
  • Black or white peppercorn

Fun Wine Fact: All red wines have tannin. So really when you’re smelling your red wine, you can assume it has tannins in it. But you won’t know whether they’re low, medium, or high until you actually take a sip.

Some of these aromas come from the grape; some come from oaking the wine.

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What Are Low, Medium, and High Tannin Red Wines?

Tannin in Red Wines

Tannin in Red Wines

Low Medium High
Beaujolais Merlot Cabernet Franc
Pinot Noir Malbec Cabernet Sauvignon
Gamay Zinfandel Nebbiolo

What Can You Tell by Smelling Your Wine?

You can tell many things about a wine by the way it looks and smells. Here are a few:

  • Whether the wine is from a warm or cool growing region
  • Whether the wine spent time in oak barrel
  • Whether the wine is made from a thick or thin-skinned grape

How to Get Started Tasting Tannins

Helpful Tip: Ready to learn how to taste tannins? Head over to this 30-second tasting tip and pour yourself a glass of red wine to get started.

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